World War 1 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. used to catch peoples attention about the war;hint: papers with pictures on them
  2. 4. Agreement to stop fighting; Not a treaty
  3. 8. archduke Franz Ferdinand was ___________ on June 28, 1914
  4. 9. sunk in 1915-killed 128 Americans-angered Americans
  5. 13. increased tension over territories and boundaries
  6. 14. introduced during WW1 at Battle of Somme
  7. 16. sold by the government to gain money for the war;hint:statue of _______and what's a link between people
  8. 18. It was the agreement that Germany and Russia came to after Russia had quit the war. Russia lost a lot of land in this treaty.
  9. 21. 28th President of the United States led the United States in World War I
  10. 22. first underwater weapon used by Germany in the war
  11. 24. war from inside trenches
  12. 25. Note from German foreign secretary to Mexico. Offered to help Mexico gain back lost land for allying with Germany against U.S.
  13. 26. Could shoot 600-1000 rounds/min., that's more than 50 riflemen
  14. 28. another name for World war 1
  15. 29. International war; all of the country's resources were are used to destroy another country
  1. 1. recruiting, war bonds, etc.
  2. 2. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism
  3. 3. massive arms buildup late 1800s- early 1900s in Europe
  4. 5. hand-thrown bombs
  5. 6. used to combat trenches
  6. 7. intensified rivals between nations
  7. 10. USA figure who got people to help or enlist in the war;hint: he has striped pants and stars on his hat
  8. 11. The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand.
  9. 12. declared war on Serbia July 28
  10. 15. Ruler of Germany at the time of the war
  11. 17. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
  12. 19. Ruler of Austria Hungary; assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb.; sparked World War 1
  13. 20. became first true world war because it included countries from all over
  14. 23. treaties to defend one another in event of war-"balance in power"
  15. 27. two major fronts- western front (France)and Eastern Front (Russia)