World War 1- Kathryn Mazur period 2

  1. 3. A name Americans used for their troops heading overseas for war.
  2. 4. Not taking sides with any nation or alliance during wartime.
  3. 9. The way the U.S. Government used to draft men into the military.
  4. 12. An area running through France that served as the battlefield between the Germans and the Allied Powers.
  5. 14. Strong support for the interests of one's country; pride in your own country.
  6. 15. manipulating public opinion using posters, speeches, publications, and music.
  7. 19. A series of recommendations by U.S. President Wilson as terms of the treaty to end WWI.
  8. 20. fighting in a series of interconnected ditches along a battlefront.
  9. 21. Building up of military forces and weapons in an aggressive manner in order to intimidate other nations.
  10. 22. To provide a specific and fixed portion of food to soldiers, sailors or civilians during a shortage.
  1. 1. A German submarine that torpedos and sinks Allied ships.
  2. 2. A song promoting patriotism for American troops as they prepared to enter WWI.
  3. 5. A group of merchant ships traveling with and protected by military vessels.
  4. 6. To confirm, adopt, or approve a measure.
  5. 7. An area running through Russia that served as the battlefield between Russia and German.
  6. 8. an international institution created to enforce the treaty ending the war and prevent future wars through discussion between the involved nations.
  7. 10. A British cruise ship sank by a German U-boat, killing 128 Americans and eventually bringing the U.S. into the war.
  8. 11. One of the two major groups fighting in the war, located in Central Europe and included the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
  9. 13. A message from the German foreign secretary to the President of Mexico proposing an alliance against the United States.
  10. 16. Taking control of a foreign territory to build an empire.
  11. 17. an agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help and protection in a time or war.
  12. 18. President of the U.S. who originally won re-election by "keeping us out of war," but later authored the 14 points during the treaty process.