World war 1 (Michael Collier)

  1. 2. the person who was assassinated before the War started
  2. 4. a final proposal or statment of conditions
  3. 7. In World war 1 the alliances of Germany and Austria-Hungary
  4. 10. drafting of civilians serve in the army
  5. 14. France VS. Germany France led by Nivelle poorly defended Germans lost
  6. 15. Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry
  7. 16. A large ridge dirigible designed to carry passengers or bomb
  8. 17. a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms
  9. 18. when nations joined together to support each other.
  10. 21. A german submarine that was the first submarine
  11. 23. made for gunpowder
  12. 24. of nations Countries teamed up to protect Europe
  13. 27. used mainly for scouting enemy ground forces later used as fighters or bombers
  14. 28. An alliance between Britain, France, and Russia
  15. 29. Emphasises the life of the mind and feelings rather than the realistic external details of everyday life
  1. 1. war from inside trenches
  2. 3. Most deaths of any war to this date
  3. 5. Policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war
  4. 6. baron German pilots who shot down over 80 planes
  5. 8. and epidemic that is geographically widespread
  6. 9. the channeling of a nations entire resources into a war effort
  7. 11. A collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships
  8. 12. Britain France and Russia
  9. 13. information that is spared for the purpose of promoting some cause
  10. 16. A telegram Germany sent to Mexico to convince the US
  11. 19. Killed almost 30 million worldwide Spread between military camps
  12. 20. Tettorie between rival trenches very dangers
  13. 22. the treat imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War 1
  14. 25. Atomic bombs, tanks trench warfare
  15. 26. A situation in which no progress can be made