World War 1 Sections 1-3)

  1. 2. an agreement to end fighting-3
  2. 3. "He Kept Us out of the War"-2 (2)
  3. 5. New weapon used by Germans in 1915-1 (2)
  4. 8. battle made it clear neither side could win-1
  5. 10. battle fought in German territory-3
  6. 12. sunk by German submarine in 1915-2
  7. 14. had world's best navy-1 (2)
  8. 17. escorted merchant ships-3
  9. 18. defense agreement among nations-1 (2)
  10. 19. prevents one country from dominating-1
  11. 20. leader of the Bolsheviks-3
  1. 1. build up of military-1
  2. 4. Used by both sides to get support for war-2
  3. 6. another word for U-boat-2
  4. 7. General John J. _____________-3
  5. 9. Archduke assassinated to start war-1
  6. 11. Germany agreed to move troops west of this river-3
  7. 13. rule by one person-2
  8. 15. understanding between nations-1
  9. 16. group of communists-3