world war 1 vocab

  1. 2. second concert of europe
  2. 3. the world's fastest passenger ship
  3. 7. warfare in which the opposing forces attack and counter attack from a relatively permanent system of trenches protected by barbed wire
  4. 10. the expansion of European nations as empires
  5. 12. something designed to influence our opinions,emotions,attitudes and behavior
  6. 15. was woodrow Wilson plan for enduring world peace
  7. 16. Austria-Hungary,Germany,Ottoman Empire,Bulganin,Italy
  8. 17. Germany challenged British navel supremacy
  9. 21. Serbia,Russia,great Britain,France,USA (1917)
  10. 22. the identification with one's own nation and support for its interests
  11. 23. a war bond that was sold in the united states to support the allied
  12. 24. a type of navel warfare in which submarines sink
  1. 1. refusal to take part in a war between other powers
  2. 4. a law that required all men of fighting age except married men to register with local draft
  3. 5. the triple alliance was formed between Germany,Austria-Hungary,and Italy
  4. 6. an act to punish acts of interrerence with the foreign relations
  5. 8. an emendment to the espionage act of 1917
  6. 9. a former college professor and governor of new jersey
  7. 11. an international organization, head quarted in geneva switzerland
  8. 13. a German submarine
  9. 14. a peace treaty
  10. 18. was a landmark decision of the u.s. supreme court
  11. 19. was to efficiently provide soldiers with enough calories
  12. 20. telegram sent by the German foreign minister