World War 1 Vocab

  1. 2. German philosopher who argued that cultures grow and decay in cycles.
  2. 4. Dealing with or comparing two or more cultures.
  3. 5. A group or class fo persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status.
  4. 6. Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  5. 8. Organize (the product of something) into an industry.
  6. 9. The branch of physics based on quantum theory.
  7. 13. Made industrial; converted to industrial.
  8. 14. Archduke of Austria and heir apparent to Francis Joseph 1.
  9. 15. An orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group.
  10. 16. Make ready for action or use.
  11. 19. Chinese communist leader.
  12. 20. A form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader.
  1. 1. Tending to exploit or make use of.
  2. 3. The leader of a nationalist movement.
  3. 7. Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  4. 10. Turkish statesman who abolished dthe caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  5. 11. made urban in nature taking on urban characteristics.
  6. 12. Russia founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR.
  7. 17. Russia founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR.
  8. 18. A political theory advocating an authoritarian government.