World War 1 Vocabulary

  1. 4. Armistice Day, the day the allies and central powers agreed to stop fighting, it was signed on the 11th month, on the 11th day of the 11th hour so it would never be forgotten, today we call it Veteran's Day.
  2. 6. An extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries, one of the causes of WWI.
  3. 8. A worldwide peace keeping organization suggested by Woodrow Wilson.
  4. 10. A telegraph sent from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance and promising to get back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona; the letter was intercepted.
  5. 11. The treaty that ended WWI and had the following provision: 1. Germany had to take the blame for the war 2. A new map of Europe 3. Germany limited the size of the military 4. Germany gave up their empire (land) 5. Germany had to pay reparations 6. Creation of a League of Nations
  6. 12. Germans are hungry but tired: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey.
  7. 14. President Wilson's plan to bring about a lasting peace following WWI, his most important point of the 14 was the creation of the League of nations. Include the apostrophe.
  8. 16. A British passenger ship torpedoed off the coast of Ireland by Germany.
  9. 17. An American leader of the American Expeditionary Force. Include the dot and the quotation marks.
  10. 18. The deadly area between two enemy trenches.
  1. 1. Payments for damages caused during war.
  2. 2. A home garden planted to increase food production during a war.
  3. 3. The leader of Austria-Hungary whose assassination by the Serbs started WWI.
  4. 5. The countries who came together to created the Treaty of Versailles; United States, Great Britain, France, and Italy.
  5. 7. The Allies wear BRIEFS: Belgium, Russia, Italy, England, France, and Serbia.
  6. 9. Avoiding a conflict by not taking a side.
  7. 13. Desire of a government that a country should maintain a strong military and be prepared to use it, one of the causes of WWI.
  8. 15. When one or more countries agree to work together in war, one of the causes of WWI.
  9. 19. A chemical weapon that causes burns to exposed skin and can be deadly.