world war 1

  1. 2. rules in peace speech to avoid war.
  2. 5. the triple entante included France, Britain, Russia, and the Triple alliance included Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy.
  3. 7. devotion of ones nation
  4. 9. they discussed and settled grievances without resorting to war
  5. 10. African Americans migrated to the north
  6. 11. Germany takes responsibility for starting the war
  7. 14. act that stated that if you were caught disloying or interfering with the war the fine would be $10,000 or 20 years in jail
  1. 1. George Creel lead the committee on public information which was an example of this.
  2. 3. war damages
  3. 4. truce that ended the war
  4. 6. established nine new nations
  5. 8. armed forces that was used as a tool of diplomacy
  6. 12. heavy gaurd destroyers that escorted merchant ships back and forth
  7. 13. included Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottaman Empire