World War 1

  1. 3. These weapons fire a very fast stream of bullets for a long time (500-600 bullets/min)
  2. 5. heavy armored vehicle which could travel over barbed wire and across enemy trenches
  3. 6. These were underground and were used as command centres, to store food, weapons, and artillery.
  4. 8. payments for war damage
  5. 11. Part of the Central Powers; had many different nationalities within country all wanting their own nation
  6. 13. war from inside trenches enemies would try killing each other with machine guns, tanks, and poison gas
  7. 14. Where the big field guns were located used to fire shells at the enemy
  1. 1. Poisonous gas used against the enemy
  2. 2. Trenches used to move between the front and rear trenches and to transport injured men to the field hospitals.
  3. 4. Part of the Central Powers; declared war on Russia first; received total blame for the war
  4. 7. Part of the Triple Entente; largest navy in the world; blockaded the Germans
  5. 9. Wilson's peace plan
  6. 10. Part of the Allies; Battle of the Somme and Battle of the Marne took place in this country
  7. 12. Used extensively in trench warfare; laid, several rows deep, by both sides to protect the front line trench