World War 1

  1. 4. a small artillery weapon which fires grenade-like bombs
  2. 5. Large, Heavily armored vehicles that were first used in WW1
  3. 6. Automatic weapon which proved very effective in combat
  4. 7. Formal agreement between two or more nations usually relating to peace
  5. 9. German submarines
  6. 10. A foot infection caused by being constantly exposed to water that was in the trenches
  7. 13. The betrayal of a nation or leader
  8. 15. The man that's assassination was the spark of WW1
  9. 21. Suffered the most casualties, left war early to deal with internal conflict
  10. 23. An agreement to stop fighting until a treaty has been negotiated
  11. 25. First used in combat in WW1, were later mounted with machine guns and involved in dogfights
  12. 26. A mask used to protect soldiers from harmful gases which may have poisoned them otherwise
  13. 27. Countries that work together incase of an attack or war
  14. 28. When a country decides to isolate itself from a war and not choose sides
  15. 30. A war strategy which prevented anything from going into or out of a country
  16. 32. when a country's military quickly expands and has a great influence on the government and policy
  17. 33. Battle in which tanks were first used
  18. 35. Soldiers who fought on foot
  19. 36. Media which is created as an attempt to persuade people to feel a certain way
  20. 37. Paying for damaged that was caused by the war
  21. 38. Small, handheld bomb which is thrown at the enemy
  22. 39. The British boat that was sunk, a reason that the US joined the war due to US casualties.
  23. 40. A dug out ditch which soldiers fought from much of WW1
  24. 41. The word for men joining the war to serve as soldiers
  1. 1. Had the largest navy in the world
  2. 2. When a soldier flees from their regiment during a war, punishable by death
  3. 3. A type of battle which involves many dug out trenches and no man's land
  4. 8. When a country expands by force, usually involves taking over other nations
  5. 11. Alliance that consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
  6. 12. Term used for a gun fight between two or more planes
  7. 14. Huge guns which launch high caliper bullets towards enemies and cause a lot of damage
  8. 16. A weapon which put out a huge flame intended to burn enemies and enemies' stuff
  9. 17. The very dangerous open area between opposite trenches
  10. 18. The expansion and growth of industry on a wide scale
  11. 19. A poisonous gas that was used in WW1 as a weapon
  12. 20. The name of a German king
  13. 22. A love for ones country and a desire for self-rule
  14. 24. A huge lead blimp which was used before airplanes were introduced to drop bombs and such
  15. 27. Alliance that consisted of Britain, Russia, France and later the US
  16. 29. The process a country goes through when it is preparing for war
  17. 31. When the government borrowed money from civilians to pay for the war
  18. 34. A knife that was attached to the end of rifle barrels