World War 2

  1. 3. political party that controlled Soviet government from 1917 to 1991
  2. 4. civilian participation in the war effort
  3. 6. one of 2 world wars
  4. 8. temporary halt to fighting in order to allow peace negotiations
  5. 13. a mental health disorder caused by involvement in a threatening and terrifying situation (for example, combat or being a prisoner of war). Symptoms include severe anxiety, involuntarily mentally re-living the event, and recurring nightmares about it.
  6. 15. people living within a country with whom their own country is at war
  7. 16. a term for the first day of a planned military operation. ‘D minus 1’ would be the day before this and ‘D plus 1’ the day after
  8. 17. weaponry, ammunition and other materials used in war
  9. 20. the term used to describe the US foreign policy of withdrawing from involvement in international (and especially European) affairs except in defence of its own interests
  1. 1. nickname for Papua New Guineans who carried injured soldiers down the Kokoda Trail
  2. 2. mainly 18–19-year-old conscripts to the Citizen Military (home defence) Force; assigned in mid 1942 to block a Japanese advance via the Kokoda Trail
  3. 5. allowing each person only a specific quantity of a particular product
  4. 7. the policy that Britain and France pursued towards Germany from the mid 1930s until 1939. Their intention was to give in to some of Hitler’s demands in the hope of avoiding war.
  5. 9. the practice of keeping people under guard in a specific area, particularly during wartime
  6. 10. government control over what the public can see, view or hear, to prevent the communication of information it judged to be objectionable, sensitive or harmful to the war effort
  7. 11. a period from the late 1920s until the outbreak of World War II when most nations suffered severe economic hardship and massive unemployment
  8. 12. pilots who, as Japan neared defeat, embarked on suicide missions, crashing planes loaded with bombs, torpedoes and explosives into Allied warships
  9. 14. the US strategy of having its forces conquer one by one the Pacific islands that would facilitate the invasion of Japan
  10. 18. used to describe someone who follows the political ideology that the individual should serve the state, which should be governed by a strong leader embodying the national will. Mussolini led this movement in Italy from 1919 until his execution in 1945.
  11. 19. the powers of Germany, Italy and Japan, who, along with their supporters, fought against the Allied powers in World War II