- 1. The final major battle in Germany that would end
- 3. 33rd U.S who dropped the bombs on japan
- 8. German Invasion that triggered WW2
- 10. A Genocide that took place in Germany consisted of killing only Jewish people.
- 14. Suprise Military Strike By the Japanese Navy That entered the U.S in the war.
- 15. Another bombing took place after the bombing of Hiroshima on this Japanese city
- 2. An act that would lend supplies to any country whose defense was critical to the U.S
- 4. An alliance that consisted of the countries Germany, Italy, and Japan.
- 5. During World War II (1939-45), an American Bomber dropped the world's first atomic bomb over a Japanese City
- 6. A oversees naval air battle With the U.S navy against the Imperial Japanese navy.
- 7. A battle that took place in Normandy
- 9. Dictator of Germany during WW2
- 11. Barbarossa An invasion by the Germans against Russia that failed.
- 12. 32nd U.S president that led the U.S during the start of WW2
- 13. powers An alliance that consist of the soviet union, Great Britain, and the united states.