world war 2

  1. 2. Hilters final solution
  2. 4. blistered the skin , eyes and lungs
  3. 7. fire weapon
  4. 9. Brought together the land air
  5. 12. total power to a dictator
  6. 13. japanese city were atomic bomb was dropped
  7. 15. japanese surprise attack
  8. 18. Germans boomed britain
  9. 19. consumers could only buy certain goods
  10. 23. japanese city were atomic bomb was dropped
  11. 24. civilian work camps and prisons
  12. 25. often negative preconvinced opinion
  1. 1. A German submarine
  2. 3. First major japanese defeat
  3. 5. Germany,italy and japan
  4. 6. u.s helping with supplies
  5. 8. usa,ussr,france
  6. 10. accepting demands avoid conflict
  7. 11. Hitlers fascist party
  8. 14. total authority ruler
  9. 16. soviet victory (outlasted the Germans)
  10. 17. government controlled by totalitarian leaders
  11. 20. money losses its value
  12. 21. helped womens rights
  13. 22. big armoured vehicles