World War 2

  1. 1. which battle did Germany attempt to take over Russia
  2. 5. Who was the President of the United States during World War 2
  3. 7. Who was the leader of Britain during World War 2
  4. 11. What kind of government was Italy
  5. 13. World War 2 ended this terrible time
  6. 14. What kind of government was the Soviet Union
  1. 2. Who was the leader of Japan during World War 2
  2. 3. what is the name of the attack of the Japanese on the Americans
  3. 4. Group comprised of Great Britain, France, America, the Soviet Union and Italy
  4. 6. Who was the leader of France during World War 2
  5. 8. acronym used for the long term causes of world war 2
  6. 9. Who was the leader of Germany during World War 2
  7. 10. Who was the leader of Italy during World War 2
  8. 12. Who was the leader of Russia during World War 2