World War 2 Assignment

  1. 3. A new way to fight the war
  2. 5. Information made to inspire people from one's view or a problem
  3. 6. All citizens are allowed to have a direct vote on an issue of major national importance
  4. 10. The name of the Canadian Air force
  5. 12. A canadian-american joint board on defence formes in 1940 to improve the defence of both countires
  6. 15. German Air Force
  7. 17. May 7, 1945
  8. 20. after the first atomic bomb was dropped in Japan, they still didn't ______
  9. 21. One of the two Canadian regiments sent to Hong Kong
  10. 24. the commission set up by the canadian government to review claims by Japanese canadians who felt that they were not treated fairly
  11. 29. June 5-6, 1944
  12. 30. a type of government in the 1920's which thought that a country should build up a large military
  13. 33. The english translation for Blitzkrieg
  14. 36. Payments for war damage, payed by the country who started the war
  15. 37. a group established by the government in 1942 to contol prices and supervice the distribution of food and other scarce commodities
  16. 38. large groups of supply ships traveling together
  17. 42. places where prisoners of war or suspected enemy aliens could be kept under guard during waretime
  18. 44. One of the kinds of fighter planes that fought bravely against the German luftwaffe
  19. 45. this 1941 agreement ensured that the US would buy more war supplies from Canada, and then Britain could buy canadian war materials under the Lend-Lease act
  20. 47. The organization Mackenzie King set up to train pilots
  21. 48. Was killed by his own people
  22. 49. Japan tried to invade northeastern India from ________
  1. 1. August 14, 1945
  2. 2. The first atomic bomb was dropped in ________
  3. 4. made it easier for Britain to buy american military supplies while the United States remained neutral
  4. 7. One of the most important things to Hitler during the war
  5. 8. The canadian government's promise to hold the property of enemy aliens for safekeeping until after the war
  6. 9. August 19, 1942
  7. 11. When all industries, materials, and people are put into work for the war effort
  8. 13. Had the dream of the UN
  9. 14. A card necessary for buying rationed items such as food, gasoline, tea and coffee
  10. 16. An overall plan to kill all Jews
  11. 18. Hitler called his invasion of Britain ______
  12. 19. Where the largest group of Jews were killed
  13. 22. Code name for D-Day
  14. 23. the three leaders who met at Yalta were Roosevelt, Stalin and _______
  15. 25. Leader of the Nazis through world war 2
  16. 26. A country less important and powerful than a superpower, but more important than smaller and less powerful countries
  17. 27. Burma is now called _______
  18. 28. an agreement between two or more countries promising they will fight with eachother
  19. 31. The special training camp in Oshawa, ONT which was one of the most top-secret projects of the war
  20. 32. Prime minister of Canada during the war
  21. 34. The US first bombed Japan in
  22. 35. Gave government power to arrest or punish people that are suspicious
  23. 39. Hitler wanted to invade _____ after he invaded Czechoslovakia
  24. 40. By 1945, over ______ canadians had worn a uniform for world war 2 including 50 000 women
  25. 41. Where Japan attacked the US
  26. 43. The five members of the security council was China, Britain, Soviet Union, America and ______
  27. 45. The US president who gave the OK to drop the atomic bombs on Japan
  28. 46. The slum of cities where Jew were kept and not allowed to leave