World War 2 Crossword

  1. 4. Japanese suicide pilots
  2. 5. war strategy used in the Pacific in an attempt to secure islands close enough to Japanese mainland to plan an invasion
  3. 8. genocide of the Jews during WW2
  4. 11. Hitler's policy implemented during WW2 for the mass extermination of Jews
  5. 12. lightning war
  6. 13. type of government that controls every aspect of citizen's lives, typically using fear and violence
  7. 16. event that brought the United States out of isolationism when they declared war on Japan
  8. 17. history's largest amphibious invasion on the beaches of Normandy, France
  9. 19. President of the U.S. that made the decision to drop the atomic bombs
  10. 21. nickname for the U-235 bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  11. 22. Name of Stalin's concentration camps/prisoner of war camps in the Soviet Union
  1. 1. The U.S., Soviet Union, and Great Britain
  2. 2. leader of the Soviet Union during WW2
  3. 3. secret project where scientists began to develop an atomic bomb that would later be used on two cities in japan
  4. 6. Prime Minister of Great Britain throughout most of WW2
  5. 7. demilitarized zone that Hitler marched troops into before the war on the border of France and Germany
  6. 9. Italy, Japan and Germany
  7. 10. city in the Soviet Union where Hitler's army had its first major defeat
  8. 14. The month in 1945 that two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, ending WW2
  9. 15. policy of giving in to demands of an enemy in order to keep the peace
  10. 18. the U.S. state where the atomic bomb, The Trinity Device, was detonated
  11. 20. the northwest part of Czechoslovakia that was demanded by Hitler in the Munich Conference