World War 2 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. What did Germany do to cause WW2?
  2. 4. what was the operation name that invaded Normandy,France?
  3. 7. The weapon dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
  4. 9. What Treaty ended WW1?
  5. 11. What event ocured when Japan bombed Hawaii?
  6. 12. Suicide attacks by Japanese pilots against Allied naval ships?
  7. 14. The first african american men to join the U.S armed forces
  8. 17. Who won the battle of Britain in 1940?
  9. 18. What was the time period of mass slaughtering of Jews?
  10. 19. Who was the Italian dictator during WW2?
  11. 21. Who was the leader of The United States during WW2?
  12. 22. Who was the dictator of Germany?
  1. 1. Who won the Battle of Midway?
  2. 2. What movie was made for the battle of Okinawa?
  3. 5. The main places where world war 2 was fought?(European,Pacific)
  4. 6. Who was the Commander of DDay operation?
  5. 8. Who was the leader of Russia during WW2?
  6. 10. What is it called when a country bans streetlights after a certain time?
  7. 13. What female had a big role in motivating women to work in factories during ww2?
  8. 15. Germany and Japan are part of the what?
  9. 16. U.S,Britain,France, and Russia are all?
  10. 20. Who was the Japaneese dictator during WW2?