World War 2 review

  1. 1. 2nd city bombed by the US
  2. 4. Leader of Britain
  3. 7. Location of Japanese Surprise attack
  4. 9. 5 star Army General also 34th President
  5. 12. invaded Poland
  6. 13. Girl Thought of when the Holocaust is mentioned
  7. 15. When did WW2 start? in_ _ _ _
  1. 2. German Leader
  2. 3. Leader of Japan during WW2
  3. 5. 1st city bombed by the US
  4. 6. How many ships were sunk in Pearl Harbor
  5. 8. Who was the U.S. president during WW2
  6. 10. President of Russia during ww2
  7. 11. When did WW2 End? in_ _ _ _
  8. 14. Where was D-Day?