World War 2 Study Guide

  1. 3. A system in which the government acts as absolute ruler with complete control over every element of life
  2. 9. prime minister of England during WW2
  3. 12. Americas first peacetime draft
  4. 14. the scientific/ military development of the nuclear bomb
  5. 15. a form of totalitarianism that emphasizes nationalism and conformity
  6. 17. An alliance made between The USA, England, France, and Russia
  7. 18. a staregy where yht US would capture small islands to use as bases to capture other islands
  8. 20. stated if Japan did not surrender, the Us would inflict "prompt and utter destruction."
  9. 22. led the Americans and Ally forces at D-Day and other battles
  10. 25. Where japanese Americans were forced to live for a portion of WW2
  11. 26. compromise; giving something up in order to maintain peace
  12. 27. May 8th, 1945
  13. 28. December 7, 1941
  1. 1. A "lightning war" that combines speed and surprise
  2. 2. The name for the massive ally invasion of German-Occupied France
  3. 4. THE SITE Of the first nuclear bomb attack
  4. 5. the president who took office after FDR died
  5. 6. an alliance made between Germany, Italy, and Japan
  6. 7. the site of the second nuclear bomb attack against japan
  7. 8. Where the allies landed in France
  8. 10. made it illegal for americans to sell weapons or loan money to foreign nations
  9. 11. Japanese suicide pilots
  10. 13. August 15th, 1945
  11. 16. a section of a city that is occupied by only one group of people due to economic hardships
  12. 19. a violent attack on the city of Nanjing by the japanese
  13. 21. a killing of a race, ethnicity, or religious group of people
  14. 23. the lead scientist behind the nuclear bomb
  15. 24. of northern european heritage; not jewish