  1. 1. Spread propaganda to influence thoughts, feelings, and actions of the public in favor of the war.
  2. 3. Fought inflation by freezing prices on most goods.
  3. 5. Dictator of the Soviet Union led by force wanted pure communism.
  4. 6. Greek word means sacrifice by fire.
  5. 11. Night of the broken glass.
  6. 12. December 7, 1941 was the attack on what?
  7. 16. In charge of military strategy and mobilization.
  8. 18. Loyalty to a person's country above all else.
  9. 19. Work camps
  10. 20. Camps Japanese Americans were placed in.
  11. 22. Germany, Italy, and Japan
  12. 24. Dictator of Germany; wanted a master race & to restore Germany to a grand empire.
  13. 25. The deliberate systematic killing of an entire population.
  14. 26. Decided which companies would go from peacetime production to wartime production.
  15. 27. Started on September 1,1939
  1. 2. Signed by USSR and Germany, an agreement not to attack each other.
  2. 4. Which is missing: Hitler wanted to establish a ________________ ___________________ restore Germany, and get back territory taken during World War 1.
  3. 7. Segregated Jewish neighborhoods in Polish cities.
  4. 8. Lighting war
  5. 9. Law that allowed the president to lease arms to any country whose defense was vital to the United States.
  6. 10. Camps where Jews were executed in the gas chambers.
  7. 13. A philosophy that places individuals ahead of the country.
  8. 14. Air war fought between Germany and UK.
  9. 15. A government that tolerates no opposition.
  10. 17. Wanted to restore Italy to a grand emprie; believed in extreme nationalism.
  11. 21. Giving into the demands of an aggressor.
  12. 23. Great Britain, Soviet Union, and United States.