World War 2 Vocab

  1. 4. to give out scarce items on a limited basis
  2. 5. a political system in which the government suppresses all opposition and controls most aspects of people's lives.
  3. 7. a leader who rules with total authority, often in a cruel or brutal manner.
  4. 9. gathering resources and preparing for war
  5. 10. removal of weapons
  6. 12. a region where no military forces or weapons are permitted.
  7. 13. having an extremely bad reputation
  8. 15. the belief that industries should be publicly owned nd run by the government rather than private individuals.
  1. 1. the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
  2. 2. hostility toward or discrimination against jews
  3. 3. the detention centers where Japanese Americans were moved to and confined during WW2.
  4. 6. accepting demands in order to avoid conflict .
  5. 8. loyalty to a nation and promotion of it's interests above all others.
  6. 11. a temporary peace agreement to end fighting.
  7. 14. a political system, headed by a dictator, that calls for extreme nationalism, racism an no tolerance of opposition.