World War 2

  1. 3. Prime Minister of Great Britain
  2. 4. examples: Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, and Tojo in Japan
  3. 5. Royal Air Force in Great Britain
  4. 7. Hitler invades Poland
  5. 11. cause of WW2
  6. 12. France and Great Britain tried to appease Germany with land, but it didn’t work
  7. 13. August 1940, Hitler launches air attacks on Great Britain
  8. 15. France, Great Britain, U. S., Soviet Union
  9. 17. where the spark of the war happened
  10. 18. Germany, Japan, and Italy
  11. 19. women can now vote
  12. 20. takes 39 days
  1. 1. many men were saved by escaping to Great Britain
  2. 2. direct violation of Treaty of Versailles
  3. 6. leader in Germany (dictator)
  4. 8. leader in Soviet Union
  5. 9. leader in Italy
  6. 10. U. S. went to war
  7. 14. June 22, 1940
  8. 16. military leader in Japan