World War 2

  1. 4. He created the New Deal programs to help Americans during the great depression
  2. 5. someone who uses money to buy or make something profitable
  3. 6. A plan for spending in which a government does not spend more money than it makes
  4. 7. A place where people buy and sell stocks or share in companies
  5. 10. An area in the Southern Great Plains of the U.S. that suffered severe drought and dust storms during 1930s
  6. 11. retirement income paid to people who stop working at a certain age
  1. 1. its what you call a person who does not have a home TheNewDeal government programs that Roosevelt thought would help the economy recover Hope To wish desire to look ford to with desire and reasonable confidence
  2. 2. When president Roosevelt would talk about his ideas on the radio
  3. 3. Elected in 1928and tried to give people hope
  4. 8. By law the lowest amount of money that a person can be paid per hour
  5. 9. An idea for law