- 4. The way that people have been affected by an event.
- 5. How is an event related to modern events or contemporary concerns.
- 9. The first battle with tanks, and in which British failed to break the German lines.
- 10. A war involves all of governments, economies and populations.
- 12. A prolonged war which has the purpose of causing more casualties to the opponent.
- 13. Inventions by German used to defeat British Navy and cut off their supplies
- 15. Political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force, preparing to use it to aggressively defend the country.
- 16. The reason of an event being dicussed and the single element of focus of commemorations.
- 1. A policy of expanding a nation's power, and influencing others through its military forces.
- 2. Treaties took after the World War I.
- 3. Longest battle in world war I
- 6. is established to become a place which countries can come together for resolving a problem before a war.
- 7. Telegram sent fromzimmerman to Germany and is used to convince United States to declare war on Germany.
- 8. The friendly relationships between two or more countries.
- 11. What an event achieved that had not been done
- 14. A belief that people should support their own nations, and strengthen the exclusion to the interests of other nations.