World War I

  1. 1. a conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
  2. 3. a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat
  3. 6. German submarines used in World War I
  4. 8. agreement to stop fighting
  5. 10. International peacekeeping organization formed after World War I
  6. 12. introduced by the Germans and was used by both sides during the war; caused vomiting, blindness, and suffocation
  7. 15. a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible
  8. 16. large-caliber guns used in warfare on land
  9. 17. an underwater warship usually armed with torpedoes
  10. 18. _____ Plan: Germany's plan to defeat France quickly and avoid fighting on two fronts
  11. 19. sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
  12. 20. policy of supporting neither side in a war
  13. 23. _____ Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
  1. 2. Region that Germany was forced to give back to France
  2. 4. Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace after World War I
  3. 5. strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage
  4. 7. U.S. President during World War I; he proposed the Fourteen Points
  5. 9. deep ditches used in battle for cover against enemy gunfire
  6. 11. area of fighting on the Western border of Germany
  7. 13. The Treaty of ______ ended the war with Germany
  8. 14. a rapidly firing automatic gun (often mounted)
  9. 21. ________ Powers: Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and later the US
  10. 22. heavy armored vehicle which could travel over barbed wire and across enemy trenches