World War I

  1. 5. The cost of food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials that people need to survive
  2. 10. Headed the General Intelligence Division which eventually became the FBI
  3. 13. Alliance which consisted of Russia, Great Britain, and France
  4. 14. Massive population movement of African Americans from the south to northern cities; changed American politics
  5. 15. Commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
  6. 16. Alliance which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  7. 18. Assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand which ignited the start of WWI
  8. 19. Nationwide fear over the spreading power and influence of communism
  9. 20. A strike that involves all workers in a community, not just workers in a particular industry
  1. 1. Headed by George Creel and tried to "sell" the war to the American people
  2. 2. Message to German ambassador to Mexico that stated if Mexico became an ally of Germany in WWI, it would regain lost territories
  3. 3. To protect against German U-boats, American ships travelled in a large group called a
  4. 4. Headed by Bernard Baruch and coordinated the production of war materials
  5. 6. The act that made it illegal to speak against the war publicly
  6. 7. Wilson's peace plan that he thought would establish long lasting peace in Europe
  7. 8. Agreement between Germany and the Allies that brought the war to an official end and imposed harsh punishments on Germany
  8. 9. Branch of military that enlisted women in WWI (noncombat roles)
  9. 11. Governor of Massachusetts during the Boston Police Strike
  10. 12. The space between opposing trenches
  11. 17. The aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations