World War I

  1. 10. Sunk by an “unterseeboot” on May 7, 1915 with 128 Americans on board.
  2. 12. Large government-owned farms in Russia that were initially private farms.
  3. 13. Working class of Russia.
  4. 15. President Wilson's proposal for how to deal with Europe after the war ended.
  5. 16. The first symbol used by women suffragists during the war.
  6. 17. Formed by 15 nations across Northern Asia and Eastern Europe after the war ended, Russia's name changed to this in 1922. (abbv.)
  7. 18. Commander of U.S. forces in Europe during WWI.
  8. 20. Wilson's international world peace organization that was supported in Europe but not in the United States.
  9. 21. Came to the aid of Serbia after Austria-Hungary declared war.
  10. 23. Name of the Women's equality movement throughout the world during World War I.
  11. 24. Treaty between Germany and Russia, that allowed Russia to leave the war peacefully.
  12. 27. Revolution in Russia of November 1917.
  13. 28. Great Britain staged one of these in the North Sea on Germany.
  14. 30. After the war, many of these were seized from Germany.
  15. 32. Number synonymous with the final day of World War I.
  16. 35. Received the Congressional Medal of Honor due to his actions in Argonne.
  17. 36. The United States' initial "stance" at the beginning of the war.
  18. 38. Nation that lost the most troops to battle in World War I.
  19. 43. Passed in May of 1917, it allowed for the draft of young men into military service. Close to 10 million were registered by June.
  20. 44. Wealthy peasants.
  21. 46. Established by the Bolsheviks, this was a network of labor camps scattered across Russia.
  22. 48. Germany's attempt to bring Mexico into the war.
  23. 49. Loyal to the Czar.
  24. 50. A strong sense of pride and support for one's nation.
  25. 52. Became leader of the Soviet Union 5 years after Lenin’s death.
  26. 55. Limiting the use of a nation’s goods and services so as to create a surplus.
  27. 56. Allowed postal authorities to ban treasonable or seditious newspapers, magazines, or printed materials from the mail.
  28. 58. The most complex and costliest operation on the Western Front.
  29. 60. Country blamed for Franz Ferdinand's assassination.
  30. 61. Last Czar of Russia.
  31. 63. The assassinated Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  32. 64. Loyal to the Communists.
  33. 65. Along with the United States, it was the only nation to come out of World War I in better financial shape.
  34. 67. Campaigns waged within a country to support or discourage a cause.
  1. 1. People who apposed to going to war due to religion or moral belief.
  2. 2. German warfare used in the Atlantic Ocean that proved to be catastrophic to the Allies.
  3. 3. To build up a nation's forces in preparation for war.
  4. 4. Money a losing country has to pay to the winning nation(s) after the end of a war.
  5. 5. Ending the war, this treaty signed in 1919 forced Germany to pay warbonds and close all its oversea colonies.
  6. 6. Major battle off the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea that led to a stalemate between Australia, New Zealand and the Ottoman Empire.
  7. 7. Movement of African-American from southern to northern United States prior to and during WWI.
  8. 8. Self-rule.
  9. 9. Weapon first operated in warfare in World War I.
  10. 11. Tried to initiate revolution amongst the working class in Russia.
  11. 14. Assassinated Franz Ferdinand.
  12. 19. Symbols on the new Russian flag that represented what the nation was supported by.
  13. 22. Germany's tactic to defeat Russia, then focus on France.
  14. 25. After returning from exile in 1917, Lenin and the Bolsheviks start their first bread riots here.
  15. 26. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.
  16. 29. A system in which the government makes all economic decisions.
  17. 31. Local council of workers and soldiers of Russia.
  18. 33. Power is equally distributed amongst all nations.
  19. 34. Military conscription.
  20. 37. When a nation channels all its resources toward a war effort.
  21. 39. Central Power that lost most of its land after World War I and became two separate nations.
  22. 40. An assistant to Lenin, he was responsible for training the Red Army.
  23. 41. Atrocities committed against this nation, by Germany, resulted in the U.S. siding with the Allies prior to the U.S. entering the war.
  24. 42. This is where leaders of the allies met to discuss what to do with Germany.
  25. 43. Occurs when overproduction and under-consumption are prevalent.
  26. 45. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
  27. 47. President of the United States during World War I.
  28. 51. Made up of groups who wanted the return of the czar, they waged a civil war against the Bolsheviks from 1918 to 1920. A small amount of U.S. troops were involved in this war.
  29. 53. The only nation in the Ottoman Empire that wasn't occupied by Western Europe by the end of World War I.
  30. 54. Killed twice as many people as the war did during the same time period.
  31. 57. Serbia, France, United States, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, etc;
  32. 59. Term used to describe the muddy, treeless area that separated the central and allied trench lines .
  33. 62. Ran by Bernard Baruch, it regulated all industries engaged in the war effort and determined what products industries would make. (Abbv.)
  34. 66. Headed by George Creel, it informed people that America was going to war. (abbv.)