World War I

  1. 3. Attempts, often biased, to sway people's opinions.
  2. 4. A group of countries that would resolve conflicts to avoid war.
  3. 5. Austro-Hungarian archduke who was assassinated by a Serbian. This event was the spark that started the war.
  4. 7. Being fully committed to your country, often to an extreme degree.
  5. 8. Expansion of nations as empires.
  6. 10. Making supplies last longer by using them sparingly.
  7. 11. A law that stopped people from interfering with the draft, war production, or the sale of war bonds.
  8. 14. Spending large amounts of government money on expanding a military.
  9. 16. A purchasable way to raise money for the government during the war that gave people interest on their money when they cashed out.
  10. 19. An act that stated that all unmarried men of fighting age without kids had to register with draft boards where they could be drafted.
  11. 20. President during WWI who tried his best to keep the U.S. out of it.
  12. 21. A case that ruled that rights could be taken away when the country was "threatened."
  13. 23. Peace treaty that ended WWI and was very harsh to Germany.
  1. 1. A British cargo and passenger ship carrying 2000 people, as well as Ally ammunition. Its sinking, caused by the Germans, is essentially what caused the U.S. to feel as though it needed to enter WWI.
  2. 2. Germany blockading Great Britain and destroying various ships.
  3. 5. Multiple people or groups uniting for mutual benefit.
  4. 6. Not being on any side in a conflict; Switzerland is a good example.
  5. 9. Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Italy.
  6. 12. England, France, Russia, and the U.S. later on.
  7. 13. A German message sent to Mexico telling them to invade the U.S.
  8. 15. An act that made it literally illegal to say bad things about the country.
  9. 17. A method of fighting where soldiers dug trenches into the war zone to protect themselves from attacks.
  10. 18. Wilson’s plan for creating world peace at the end of WWI.
  11. 22. German submarines which torpedoed the Lusitania