World War I

  1. 4. Murder by sudden or secrect attack often for political reason
  2. 6. France's president in 1914
  3. 8. Ruler of Great Britain in 1914
  4. 9. "The War to end all wars"
  5. 12. Use of military method and forces to gain power
  6. 15. Last reigning monarch of Russia
  7. 16. A union between people, groups and countires
  1. 1. Ruler of France and the United State in 1914
  2. 2. Emphasizes loyaity, devotion, or allegiance to a nation
  3. 3. 28th president of the United States
  4. 5. Ruler of Germany in 1914
  5. 7. Ruler of Aurtro-Hungarian in 1914
  6. 10. Last ruler of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy
  7. 11. Ruler of United Kingdom in 1914
  8. 13. Act of extending a country's power into other territories
  9. 14. Last German Emperior and King of Prussia