World War I

  1. 1. end to fighting
  2. 3. agreement between nations to help each other when attacked
  3. 4. not participating in a war; no alliances, no taking sides, but will trade
  4. 6. savings bond used by many nations to fund the world wars
  5. 8. belief that your nation is the best
  6. 11. money a defeated country pays for damages of war
  7. 13. Wilson’s plan for peace
  8. 15. the murder of an important person
  9. 16. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
  10. 17. African Americans moved from the South to the North
  11. 18. forced Germany to accept the blame for WWI
  12. 21. foreign policy of having little or nothing to do with other nations
  13. 22. information spread to promote a cause
  1. 2. having a large military force, even in times of peace
  2. 5. combat where troops fight from trenches facing each other
  3. 7. a fixed portion that is allotted, especially in times of scarcity and war
  4. 9. Serbia, France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, United States (later)
  5. 10. organization set up to settle conflicts through negotiation
  6. 12. required recruitment into military service
  7. 14. power is split between nations so no one nation can dominate another
  8. 19. submarines used by Germany in WWI
  9. 20. fear of communism