World War I

  1. 3. German submarines used to blockade Britain and France
  2. 4. area between the opposing sides trenches
  3. 7. payments for war damages Germany had to make to Britain and France
  4. 9. entrance into the war brought fresh troops, supplies, and a morale boost
  5. 11. military strategy used due to the advancements in technology on the Western Front
  6. 12. British passenger liner that was sunk by German uboats, killing Americans and angering them
  7. 13. a sense of unity based upon shared characteristics: language, culture, historical experience, religion, ethnicity and geography; lead to revolutions around the world. Pride in your nation.
  8. 15. Governments on both sides spread ideas to influence public opinion to support the war effort
  9. 17. agreement that blamed and punished Germany for WWI; taking land and payment for war damages
  10. 18. countries must be able to choose their own fates and destiny
  11. 19. world peace organization Wilson argued for at the Paris Peace Conference
  12. 20. mutual defense agreements between the major European nations caused a chain reaction of war when it started between two nations
  13. 21. the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne who's murder triggered WW I
  14. 22. the act of readying troops and supplies for war
  15. 23. labor disputes and socialist movements led some countries to be more willing to go to war in the early 1900s
  16. 24. leader of the Bolsheviks that took over Russia and established a communist nation while getting out of WWI
  17. 25. used terror to stop opposition to communist rule
  1. 1. radical communists
  2. 2. governments used all resources and people of their country to fight the war
  3. 5. reliance on military strength to get what you want for your nation; the aggressive preparation for war
  4. 6. Angered Americans with Germany and took them a step closer to declaring war
  5. 8. Military, economic, and/or social control of one country over another country
  6. 10. German attempt to rapidly defeat France and then turn to fight Russia
  7. 14. warfare that pulled the United States into WWI
  8. 15. workers of the world, Marx said should overthrow the wealthy
  9. 16. killed 50 million people worldwide at the end of WWI, 5 times more than the war itself