World War I

  1. 1. the name for German submarines which comes from the German word "unterseeboat"
  2. 5. an alliance between countries including Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and Japan;fought against the Central Powers
  3. 6. the desire to stay out of world events
  4. 7. the belief that your country deserves more success than others
  5. 8. the building o a strong military to frighten or defeat other countries
  6. 10. a large luxury ship that was sunk by a German submarine
  7. 13. information that is used to shape people's thinking
  8. 15. an alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire
  1. 2. the leaders from the four major Alliances
  2. 3. an agreement to stop fighting
  3. 4. a group of governments that strived to prevent wars and protect independent nations
  4. 5. an agreement nations make to support and defend each other
  5. 9. the government set limits on the amount of goods civillians could have
  6. 11. a type of land warfare where each side digs long lines of trenches for protection
  7. 12. treaty between the Allies and Germany that ended WWI
  8. 14. President Wilson's goals for an end to WWI and lasting peace