  1. 5. Assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914
  2. 7. War where Germany defeated France
  3. 8. Alliance of Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
  4. 13. Russian czar who abdicated in 1917
  5. 14. Fascist dictator of Italy
  6. 18. Assassin of the Archduke
  7. 20. Passenger ship sunk by Germany in 1915
  8. 21. Austria-Hungary declared war on this country in July of 1914
  9. 22. Taking colonies in other parts of the world
  10. 23. Party that takes control of the Soviet Union in the 1920s
  11. 25. Germany engaged in "unrestricted" warfare with these
  12. 26. Leader of the Bolsheviks who overthrew the government of the Russian Czar
  13. 31. An agreement to stop fighting
  14. 32. Biased information meant to influence your feelings about a topic
  15. 34. Country blamed for starting World War I
  16. 35. Gavilro Princip was a member of this group
  17. 36. Party that takes control of Italy in the 1920s
  1. 1. Strong patriotic feelings and support for your nation's interests
  2. 2. What Germany owed the Allies after World War I
  3. 3. The last Allied nation to enter the conflict in August of 1914
  4. 4. The "Powder Keg" of Europe
  5. 6. Alliance of Britain, France, Russia and Italy
  6. 9. Becomes dictator of the Soviet Union in 1928
  7. 10. Site of the Peace Conference after World War I
  8. 11. Wilson President of the USA during the Paris Peace Conference
  9. 12. Neutral country invaded by Germany in 1914
  10. 15. Weapon that forced WWI soldiers to fight in trenches
  11. 16. Economic system where all decisions are made by the government
  12. 17. Territories taken from France by Germany, then given back to France after World War I.
  13. 19. Prime Minister of France who wanted revenge on Germany (last name only)
  14. 24. Treaty between Germany and Russia in 1917
  15. 27. Beliefs of Adolf Hitler
  16. 28. 1937 agreement that outlawed all war
  17. 29. Psychological condition resulting from World War I combat
  18. 30. Prime Minister of Italy in 1919
  19. 33. Belief in building up armies to prepare for war
  20. 37. A new type of land vehicle used in WWI