World War I and the Russian Empire

  1. 2. This country joined the war in 1917
  2. 3. Name of the Alliance of United Kingdom, France, Russia, USA, Belgium, and Serbia during WWI
  3. 5. leader of the Cadet party. Criticized Shtiurmer.
  4. 6. advisor to Alexandra, Empress
  5. 7. a passenger ship that Germany sunk in 1915. This event strained relations between Germany and the U.S.
  6. 10. The Supreme Commander's Chief of Staff encouraged Russian soldiers to pursue this tactic during the retreat of the army in the summer of 1915. (2 words, write as one)
  7. 11. This union was formed between the Russian emperor and the Duma.
  8. 16. This Russian political bloc of socialists, liberals, and conservatives demanded changes in the war effort after the events of summer 1915.
  9. 18. The Bolshevik Party did not support the union between the Tsar and the Duma. This platform is called "revolutionary ____"
  10. 19. One of the chemical weapons used during WWI
  1. 1. Russia occupied this territory from Sept. 1914 to June 1915 considering it to be a historically important part of the Kievan Rus'.
  2. 4. The Germans named this battle after the clash between the Teutonic Knights and the Slavs in the 15th century
  3. 5. a policy of building up and maintaining a strong military capability
  4. 8. Russian front commander who reconquered a large part of Galicia. This military operation is referred to as "The [Last Name] Offensive"
  5. 9. Sanborn rejects this explanation of the collapse of the Russian empire
  6. 12. Treaty that ended the First World War
  7. 13. Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Persuaded the Tsar to disband the Duma
  8. 14. Austria-Hungary declared war on this country after their Archduke was assassinated
  9. 15. First revolutionary events took place in this Central Asian colony in 1916
  10. 17. The Ottoman empire policy against the Christian Armenian population