World War I Begins

  1. 3. The reason the assassination of the Archduke led to a big war
  2. 5. Number of reasons the U.S. had for deciding to join the Great war
  3. 6. Name for the type of government Russia got in March 1917 and third reason the U.S. decided to enter war
  4. 7. Name of the British ship that was sunk by Germany and one of the reasons Americans decided to join war
  5. 8. Country where Germany got stuck fighting
  6. 9. Date World War I ended
  7. 10. Name for the space between trenches
  1. 1. Name of the telegram where Germany asked Mexico to join them in war against the U.S. and the 2nd reason the U.S. joined the war
  2. 2. Name of the Kaiser of Germany during World War I
  3. 4. The Name of Germany's December 1905 plan