World War I Crossword

  1. 7. Constant bombing led to lack of sleep and fatigue led to this
  2. 8. What country steps in to protect Serbia when Austria-Hungary declares war
  3. 9. Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
  4. 10. The United States refused to join the League of ______
  5. 11. This system was introduced and reduces the threat of U-Boats
  6. 12. A telegram from Germany to Mexico and the reason the U.S. entered the war
  7. 15. France and _____ wanted to punish Germany for the war
  8. 16. Also known as the Selective Service Act and was passed in 1917
  9. 17. Germany had to pay these after the war
  10. 20. On May 17, 1915 Germany sank the British passenger ship call the _____
  1. 1. These were filthy with lice, rats, and polluted water from dysentery
  2. 2. Building up military's to protect colonies over seas
  3. 3. Competition for colonies as a source of raw materials
  4. 4. This plan was not as harsh as the Treaty of Versailles
  5. 5. World War I was a direct result of this
  6. 6. Presidents campaign slogan in 1916
  7. 13. Extreme pride in one's country
  8. 14. Germany being forced to take sole blame for the war is called the ____ _____ Clause
  9. 18. This group didn't want Serbia to be apart of the Austria-Hungary Empire
  10. 19. The effects of the Treaty of Versailles will lead to the rise of this person