World War I: Part 2

  1. 3. President Wilson’s idea for peace after the war was called _________.
  2. 4. The sinking of ships without any kind of warning is called _________ Submarine Warfare.
  3. 5. __________ was used largely by everyone to gather up public support for their war causes.
  4. 6. By getting into ________, you knew you had someone who supported and backed you up.
  5. 8. The Triple Entente became known as the ____ Powers what once the war started.
  6. 12. The Triple Alliance became known as _______ Powers once the war started.
  7. 13. By going through ________, a neutral country, Germany brought Great Britain into the war.
  8. 14. Blamed for the war, Germany had to pay for the war damages called ________.
  1. 1. __________ is the concept of taking over smaller and weaker countries to gain their available resources.
  2. 2. The American policy towards the war in the beginning?
  3. 6. The ethnic group who were slaughtered for their beliefs and their decision to side with the Allies were the ________.
  4. 7. Kaiser _____ II was the leader of Germany during World War I.
  5. 9. 1917 was the year the United States ______ World War II.
  6. 10. ________ was busy holding off the Germans in the Pacific as well as gaining new territories for itself.
  7. 11. Urging them to join the Central Powers, this intercepted German telegram was headed to what country?