  1. 4. Leaders from the U.S., Britain, France, & Italy
  2. 6. ____ Powers- WWI alliance composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire
  3. 7. American president during WWI
  4. 8. a political and economic ideology where everything is owned and shared by everyone
  5. 11. Leader of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, overthrowing the royal family
  6. 12. British ship sunk by the Germanany's unrestricted submarine warfare; over 100 Americans died
  7. 16. Common type of fighting during WWI, led to lots of disease and causalities
  8. 17. Many of these were created to help with the war effort; Ex: National War Labor Board
  9. 19. Informal understanding/alliance between the Russian Empire, France, and Great Britain
  10. 23. Clause that forced Germany to accept full responsibility for WWI
  11. 24. Nickname for American soldiers during WWI
  12. 25. ____ Powers- WWI alliance of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, & the U.S.
  13. 27. ____ Plan- German strategy to quickly defeat the French & avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  14. 29. Extreme pride in one's country
  15. 30. Russian royal family; Overthrown & assassinated in the Russian Revolution of 1917
  16. 31. Austro-Hungarian archduke; his assassination is the spark that set off WWI
  17. 32. Created by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to help raise money for WWI
  1. 1. Glorification of war, competing in an arms race
  2. 2. Required all men in the US between the ages of 21 & 45 to register for military service
  3. 3. Naval submarine operated by Germany; known for unrestricted submarine warfare
  4. 5. Used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  5. 9. To conquer and control another country to spread one’s influence and power
  6. 10. Policy adopted by the U.S. at the beginning of WWI
  7. 13. Leader of the American Expeditionary Force in WWI
  8. 14. President Woodrow Wilson's plan for for peace, ending WWI
  9. 15. The ____ Telegram was a secret message sent from Germany asking Mexico to join their side
  10. 18. Post-WWI international alliance created to establishing peace & prevent future wars
  11. 20. Many black Americans moved to northern cities, filling jobs, fleeing racism
  12. 21. Peace treaty that ended WWI; Punished Germany very harshly
  13. 22. Group of ships sailing together for protection during WWI
  14. 26. Making up for something one has done wrong, usually by paying money
  15. 28. New technological innovation that helped make ground warfare more deadly