World War I Review

  1. 10. One of the peace treaties that ended WWI
  2. 11. An association or relationship formed between countries
  3. 13. Extreme patriotism
  4. 16. Heir to throne of Austria-Hungary
  5. 19. Woodrow Wilson(U.S.), David Lloyd George(Britain), Vittorio Orlando(Italy), and Georges Clemenceau(France)
  6. 22. Cash payments for losses suffered during the war, Germany had to pay huge ones
  7. 23. A type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other
  8. 24. Prepare and organize troops for active service
  9. 25. Head of Food Administration during WWI
  1. 1. A statement of principals by President Wilson to make peace in Europe
  2. 2. German emperor during WWI
  3. 3. Commander of American Expeditionary Force
  4. 4. Information used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  5. 5. Act Passed in May 1917, established a draft
  6. 6. From the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States
  7. 7. German submarines
  8. 8. The rights of national groups to their territory and government
  9. 9. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire
  10. 12. A war bond that was sold in the U.S. that supported the Allied cause
  11. 14. Socialist candidate, jailed for protesting draft
  12. 15. An association of countries for international peace
  13. 17. Accepted the idea of the League of Nations
  14. 18. France, Britain and Russia
  15. 20. An agreement made by opposing sides to stop fighting for a certain time period
  16. 21. U.S. president during WWI