World War I, Russian Revolution, and World War II Review

  1. 2. U.S. President just before and during World War II.
  2. 3. German general during WWI. He later became president and appointed Hitler as the German chancellor.
  3. 5. The economic theory in which all means of production are owned in common by the people and everyone works what they can and then gets what they need to live in return.
  4. 7. Day in February 1905 in which unarmed Russian peasants were shot by the Czars troops as they were on their way to protest their poor life conditions.
  5. 8. The countries of France, Great Britain, and Russia during World War I.
  6. 10. Emperor of Japan before, during and after World War II
  7. 11. Country Hitler took over just after he re-militarized the Rhineland. (this country also speaks German).
  8. 12. Leader of the Bolsheviks. Promised Russian peasants "Peace, Land, and Bread".
  9. 13. International organization created at the end of World War I to try and keep world peace and prevent more big wars.
  10. 16. Russian dictator that took over after Lenin's death.
  11. 19. Last Czar of Russia
  12. 22. Country to which Russia lost the Russo-Japanese War.
  13. 23. Last name of the Archduke whose assassination started World War I.
  14. 24. Kind of war/warfare used in World War I.
  15. 27. Germany invades this country in September of 1939 to start World War II.
  16. 28. Name of Russia after 1923.
  17. 29. Ineffective parliament created in Russia after Bloody Sunday.
  18. 30. Prime Minister of Britain during World War II
  19. 32. Country occupied by Germany in World War II. Known for it's windmills and large chunks of the country being below sea level.
  20. 34. About 80% of Russia's population in the early 1900's were categorized as this. Very poor.
  21. 35. Japan brought the U.S. into World War II by attacking this place on Dec. 7, 1941.
  1. 1. Gas filled flying devices. They were used in WWI to drop bombs on London, but they were impractical because they were slow and flammable.
  2. 4. The countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
  3. 5. Country in East Asia that was part occupied by Japan and part free during World War II.
  4. 6. Always putting the interests of your own country above world cooperation.
  5. 9. Russian mystic/holy man that was an ill-liked advisor to the Czar and Czarina. Hard to kill.
  6. 14. Country in western Europe that was half occupied and half free in World War II.
  7. 15. Italian Fascist dictator before and during World War II
  8. 17. name for Germany's "lightning war" based on fast moving troops
  9. 18. Only European member of the Axis Powers in World War II that isn't mentioned in this list: Germany, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland
  10. 20. Country in central Europe created at the end of World War I from land that used to belong to Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  11. 21. Area Germany had to demilitarize after World War I.
  12. 25. Money a losing country has to pay to the winner(s) after a war.
  13. 26. Place where peace treaty between Germany and the Allies was created and signed, AND name of the treaty that ended World War I.
  14. 31. Country Japan invaded to start it's expansion just before World War II
  15. 33. Only part of the Ottoman Empire that wasn't occupied by European forces at the end of World War I.