World War I Terms

  1. 3. A war where a country has to fight in two locations, or along two borders
  2. 4. Land war using large trenches so soldiers had protection from enemy fire
  3. 6. When several countries are competing to have the best technology, especially military
  4. 10. Also called Central Powers. Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.
  5. 11. The British policy that their navy had to be stronger than any other 2 navies
  6. 12. A group of terrorists that wanted to liberate Slavics in Austria-Hungary
  7. 13. The transformation of industries in an area from agricultural to industrial
  8. 15. A war where any sacrifice is made for a victory
  9. 17. Also called Allied Powers. No-treaty alliance by France, Russia and Britain
  10. 18. The idea that the Slavic people in the Balkan area should be brought together
  1. 1. An agreement between countries to reach the same goals or protect themselves in war
  2. 2. A war plan where Germany would defeat France in six weeks, then fight Russia.
  3. 5. The cover-less piece of land between Allied and Germans' trenches
  4. 7. Colonozation, one country expanding their territory to include more territories
  5. 8. Leaving trenches to cross no-man's land and attack the enemy, usually under heavy fire
  6. 9. A battle where there was less strategy, and fighting was mainly to wear down the enemy with large numbers of soldiers
  7. 12. An agreement that Germany would be an ally to Austria-Hungary in any situation
  8. 14. Making a country's army the priority, making war socially acceptable
  9. 16. À threat that is given where no compromise can be made