World War I Trench Warfare

  1. 2. A weapon
  2. 4. Wooden planks placed across the bottom of trenches
  3. 6. The situation during trench warfare when neither side can make any gains
  4. 8. Bully _ was a type of food the men received
  5. 10. Made of steel these helped to protect a soldiers head
  6. 12. These were used to shore up the edges of the trench
  7. 14. The name given to trench toilets
  8. 16. Going 'over the _' meant to go into no man's land
  9. 18. In their kit men would carry extras of these to protect their feet
  1. 1. A weapon
  2. 3. Barbed _
  3. 5. Fire _ enabled the troops to go over the top into no man's land
  4. 7. The weight in kilograms of the equipment men carried
  5. 9. The pattern that trenches were designed in
  6. 11. Used by men to protect themselves from poison gas
  7. 13. Machine _, the most deadly weapon in trench warfare
  8. 15. A word to describe the limited amount of food soldiers received
  9. 17. A disease of the feet was called trench _.