World War I

  1. 3. In the beginning of the war, made up of Russia, Great Britain, and France
  2. 4. In the beginning of the war, made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  3. 8. U.S. president during WWI
  4. 10. Governments enacted these in order to save resources
  5. 12. deadliest weapon used during WWI
  6. 14. nickname for the 369th Infantry
  7. 15. Serbian terrorist group that assasinated the Archduke of Austria Hungary
  8. 16. the peace agreement that was harsh on Germany
  9. 19. belief that other countries should model yours
  10. 20. reliance on military strength
  1. 1. Germans blew up this American Liner
  2. 2. The Germans were practicing this- eventually led to the U.S. entering the Great War
  3. 5. most used weapon of WWI
  4. 6. document sent from Germany to Mexico asking for an alliance
  5. 7. a truce to end fighting is called an...
  6. 8. a war based on wearing down your opponent
  7. 9. fighting from ditches with "No Man's Land" in between
  8. 11. land between the trenches
  9. 13. an organization to prevent future wars
  10. 17. invanding another country for its' resources
  11. 18. used to influence public opinion