  1. 4. Words, documents or images intended to persuade, often through distortion or misrepresentation
  2. 6. The betrayal of a nation or leader, often in a time of war
  3. 7. A foreign policy approach where a nation does not commit to alliances and/or avoids ‘taking sides’ in international disputes
  4. 10. A bulge or projection out from a trench line, and thus the point closest to the enemy
  5. 11. One who campaigns to obtain the right to vote; usually refers to women’s reform groups and activists in Britain in the first quarter of the 20th century
  6. 13. Did not make a part of the triple entente
  7. 14. they stopped fighting for the night and celebrated together
  8. 15. A political ideology, economic system and theory of history, developed in the 1800s by Karl Marx
  9. 17. American president during World War I
  10. 19. A term for an aerial gun battle between aircraft, particularly during World War I
  11. 22. A political-economic system where a powerful nation conquers
  12. 24. A small, hand-held bomb with a short fuse, able to be primed and then thrown at the enemy
  13. 26. assassinated the archduke francis ferdinand
  14. 28. a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage
  15. 30. The process where a society or state enacts policies to enable it to become more modern, either in political, economic, industrial or technological terms
  16. 32. the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military
  17. 34. Any political system where at least some executive power is vested in a hereditary monarch, who is also the head of state
  18. 35. Leader of france at the time of World war I
  19. 38. Seeking and/or enjoying popular support; appealing to the people
  20. 39. A period in history involving dramatic political, social and/or economic change within a particular nation or region
  21. 40. Yje king of Germany during World War I
  22. 41. Acronym for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, a joint national force assembled in 1915 to participate in the Gallipoli campaign
  23. 42. the german fleet of ships was known as the...
  24. 46. Derogatory term for Germans, a reference to barbaric warriors of the early Middle Ages.
  25. 47. The process of preparing for war, requiring the enlistment, training, equipping and movement of large numbers of troops.
  26. 48. the longest battle in World War I
  1. 1. Payments of money or goods made for deaths, injuries and destruction inflicted during a war
  2. 2. where they first used modern tanks
  3. 3. The act of requiring citizens to perform compulsory military service, especially in times of war
  4. 5. member if 3 different alliances
  5. 8. french commander durin World War I
  6. 9. The rear of a trench, the side furthest away from the enemy line
  7. 12. In the late nineteenth century, the major industrialized states used their increasing economic and technological power to build up stocks of modern weapons such as machine guns and battleships
  8. 16. elating to, or characterized by industry
  9. 18. is a tolerance attributable to a lack of involvement
  10. 20. The name of the German king or emperor, derived from the Latin ‘Caesar’
  11. 21. joined by or relating to members of a team
  12. 23. Government control or restrictions on the media or publishing, the banning of dissent or criticism
  13. 25. Describes a conflict where both sides attempt to wear down or exhaust the other, without attempting a decisive assault or attempt at victorY
  14. 27. Sections of an army comprised of soldiers who advance or move about on foot
  15. 29. A defensive post, an earth bunker or concrete shelter, designed to house riflemen or machine-gunners
  16. 31. patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts,feeling pride for your country
  17. 33. A concerted bombardment of a trenchline, front or area, usually with artillery
  18. 34. The process where a society or state enacts policies to enable it to become more modern, either in political, economic, industrial or technological terms Monarchy Any political system where at least some executive power is vested in a hereditary monarch, who is also the head of state.
  19. 36. president od france during Worl War I
  20. 37. Europe’s diplomatic organisation before 1914 and its heavy commitment to alliances, allegedly as a deterrent to war
  21. 43. A term derived from chess, meaning that both sides cannot advance; a deadlock or ‘stand-off’
  22. 44. Type of artillery gun capable of protecting shells at considerable heights and ranges
  23. 45. Steel balls or fragments from an exploding artillery shell, which injure or kill nearby personnel