World War I

  1. 6. German submarines that sunk the Lusitania and many supply ships
  2. 9. Pre-war alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  3. 13. Introduced by the Germans; used poison gases as weapons
  4. 15. Practice United States tried to carry out by not joining sides in the war
  5. 16. Pre-war alliance between Britain, France, and Russia
  6. 18. Fighting that occurred in the western part of Europe mainly between Germany and the Allies
  7. 20. Used by Germany, allowed submarines to attack ships without warning
  8. 28. Joined the Allies in 1917
  9. 30. A deep love for one's country
  10. 32. Used for protection again poison gases
  11. 34. An agreement to end fighting
  12. 35. Fighting that occurred in the eastern part of Europe mainly between Russia and the Central Powers
  13. 36. Area of ground between enemy trenches
  14. 38. German emperor during World War I
  15. 40. Shortage of artillery shells on the front lines leading to a political crisis in Britain
  1. 1. First aircraft used in the war, first for spying then as weapons
  2. 2. Could fire 600-1000 rounds per minute
  3. 3. German term for emperor
  4. 4. President of the United States during World War I
  5. 5. War between the Allied and Central Powers from 1914-1918
  6. 7. Many _________ believed that the war was evil, but still held on to deep connections to their home countries.
  7. 8. Proposal from Germany to Mexico to form an alliance
  8. 10. Advertisement or information used to promote or bash a cause
  9. 11. Nickname for World War I
  10. 12. Warfare between opposing armies that fight using trenches dug into the ground
  11. 14. Bonds used to finance the war and control inflation
  12. 17. Last czar of Russia that was shot and killed before the end of the war
  13. 19. Military weapon first introduced at the Battle of Somme (slow, hard to maneuver)
  14. 21. Treaty imposed on Germany by the Allies for reparations
  15. 22. Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey
  16. 23. Battle plan proposed in Germany that would allow them to successfully wage a two front war
  17. 24. Large peninsula where instability and conflict was known to be
  18. 25. A policy of extending rule over foreign nations
  19. 26. The assassination of this archduke led to the beginning of World War I
  20. 27. The building up of arms and a policy of keeping a strong and large military
  21. 29. Alliance of the United States, Russia, Great Britain, & France
  22. 31. Infections in the lower limbs caused by being in the trenches for extended periods of time under undesirable conditions
  23. 33. Type of war where nations put forth all resources and efforts to win
  24. 37. Ship sunk by German U-boat that played a significant role in the U.S. joining the war
  25. 39. Serbian who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand