World War I

  1. 1. Were sent to spy on the enemies trenches and to help artillery aim because they had a very bad aiming system
  2. 4. Short, stumpy tube that was designed to fire a projectile at a steep angle
  3. 7. Usually an officers weapon
  4. 9. Odorless and most lethal weapon used by Germany
  5. 10. The average soldier inside the trench would only have 3 weapons. The soldier would only have a Rifle, a bayonet, and grenades
  6. 12. President of United States during World War
  7. 15. German Emperor whose policies led to World War
  8. 16. First successfully developed tank
  9. 18. The MG 08 was the standard ___________ for Germany
  10. 20. The top ranking fighter pilot of World War I
  11. 21. Used as a psychological weapon
  1. 2. Usually operated by two men and Germany first experimented with them in 1900
  2. 3. Was a direct cause of the war
  3. 5. Used generally to slowdown the opposing sides soldiers by getting in the way. It was hard to cut and impossible to climb over
  4. 6. British soldiers used them in their trenches and it could fire 15 shots in a minute
  5. 8. like a submarine
  6. 11. Were called "landships" by the British
  7. 13. Known for guiding Britain through World War I
  8. 14. German army used this is trench warfare; would feel pains in the chest and burning sensations in the throat
  9. 17. Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, and the United States
  10. 18. Heaviest British _______ in the war
  11. 19. powers Austri-hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire