World War I

  1. 2. The amount Germany had to pay for war damages-$33 ______.
  2. 3. The type of boat that sunk the Lusitania.
  3. 6. Where the "Big Four" met to negotiate the post WWI peace.
  4. 11. Germany sent this to Mexico to join the Central Powers and would in return gain U.S states.
  5. 12. President Wilson asked for a declaration of war on Germany to protect __________.
  6. 16. As a neutral nation, the U.S. ___________ with both Germany & Great Britain.
  7. 17. The name of Wilson's peace plan.
  8. 20. _______ million soldiers were killed in WWI.
  9. 22. The year the U.S. joined WWI was 19__ (spell it out).
  10. 24. This was used by both the central and allied powers to sway American opinion.
  11. 25. Countries that are "friends"
  12. 26. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the _______ of the war.
  1. 1. When a country creates a larger military and builds more submarines and ships.
  2. 4. Nickname for World War One.
  3. 5. Great Britain, France, Russia, and Belgium made up the...?
  4. 7. Germany's _____________ was restricted as far as size and the war equipment it could have.
  5. 8. When a strong nation takes control of a weaker nation.
  6. 9. Who wasn't invited to the Paris Peace Conference?
  7. 10. Wilson's most important point called for the creation of this...
  8. 13. Russia left the war effort early due to a _________ .
  9. 14. This is what drove the Serbs to assassinate Franz Ferdinand.
  10. 15. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire make up the...?
  11. 16. The fighting style used during WWI.
  12. 18. Who created a plan for peace that was more fair to Germany than the final peace plan?
  13. 19. This war technology was first used by the Germans during WWI.
  14. 21. Switzerland was __________ during WWI.
  15. 23. The harsh treatment of Germany developed by the "Big Four" led to _____.