World War I

  1. 3. This involved a rivalry and competition for overseas colonies
  2. 6. Anti-German _____ helped sway American opinion in favor of joining the Allies.
  3. 7. This was a list of President Wilson's goals for creating a lasting peace.
  4. 9. After the war Germany was forced to pay ______ for the cost of war damages
  5. 12. The ____ Telegram was Germany's attempt to incite war between Mexico and the United States.
  6. 13. The ______ was Wilson's idea for a post-war association of nations to keep the peace.
  7. 15. After the break up of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France established _____ in the Middle East.
  8. 16. Britain, France, and Russia together made up the _____ Entente.
  9. 17. This involved strong feelings towards one's nation or the desire to achive independence for your people.
  10. 18. The ____ was a region of Europe plagued by nationalist rivalries
  1. 1. The "_____" included the U.S., Britain, France, and Italy.
  2. 2. After the war, the Austro-Hungarina empire was broken up into four new nations including ____.
  3. 4. This was a new nation created in Eastern Europe after World War I.
  4. 5. This meant that every nation would be able to choose its own form of government.
  5. 8. Germany's use of this weapon was a decisive factor in brining the U.S. into the war.
  6. 10. After coming to power, the ____ took Russia out of the war and made peace with Germany.
  7. 11. This involved the build up of weapons and training large numbers of soldiers.
  8. 14. World War I was sparked by the _____ of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand