World War I

  1. 5. Due to the arms buildup and competition for colonies in the late 19th century, countries began to make ___; one MAIN causes of WWI.
  2. 7. collective term for the four Allied leaders who presided over the Paris Peace Conference; included Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Orlando
  3. 8. term for the longing of an ethnic group with a common culture to live in a nation-state; one of the MAIN causes of WWI
  4. 9. The Western Front battles of the ___, Verdun, and the Somme resulted in stalemates and massive casulaties due to the use of trench warfare,
  5. 12. Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire
  6. 13. Instead of gaining self-determination, many colonies were administered by the ___ system as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. This essentially put the League of Nations in charge of the colonies.
  7. 14. One reason that the US joined the war in 1917 was due to ___ ___ ___, a policy of indiscriminate U-boat attacks on any and all ships.
  8. 19. US president who proposed the League of Nations , drafted the Fourteen Points, & represented the US at the Paris Peace Conference
  9. 20. term for a war to which all the countries involved devote all their resources.
  10. 21. document authored by Woodrow Wilson which aimed to create a lasting peace by fixing the problems that had caused WWI (but was rejected by the other members of the Big Four)
  11. 22. pandemic disease which spread throughout the world in 1918, possibly facilitated by the movement of troops returning home from war
  12. 23. term for a situation in which neither side is winning or losing; characteristic of the war on the Western Front
  13. 24. group of authors and artists who responded with disillusionment and pessimism to the horrors of the Great War
  14. 25. term for a government’s requirement that young men serve in the military
  15. 28. The Treaty of ___ was very harsh towards Germany, & created economic problems and resentment which eventually led to WWII.
  16. 31. new weapon which choked or burned victims; could backfire if the wind shifted
  17. 32. one aspect of life on the home-front which required citizens to strictly limit foods and other products that were needed by soldiers on the front
  18. 33. This kind of warfare led to lots of casualties but not much change in territory.
  19. 35. This country was given all the war guilt & lost all its colonies & much of its territory at home.
  20. 36. Britain, France, Russia, & eventually the US
  1. 1. term for a metal balloon or blimp used to drop bombs
  2. 2. This was a telegram from Germany to Mexico, promising the Mexicans lost territory in the US in return for their help.
  3. 3. Christian national group in the Ottoman Empire whose ‘relocation’ led to the deaths of 1 million members of the group
  4. 4. During or shortly after WWI, women in the US, Great Britain, Belgium, Sweden, and Hungary earned ___, or the right to vote.
  5. 6. ___ took over the jobs traditionally done by men while the men were away at war.
  6. 10. Serbian nationalism in Bosnia led to the assassination of ___ ___
  7. 11. The Treaty of ___-___ marked Russia's withdrawal from the war and resulted in a huge loss of territory for Russia.
  8. 13. term for a country’s prioritization of the military; one of the MAIN causes of WWI
  9. 14. the only superpower that did not join the League of Nations
  10. 15. term for payments to repair damage inflicted in a war; Germany was required to pay these after WWI, which led to economic issues
  11. 16. term for the right of nationalities or colonies to choose their own governments; idea prevalent in the Fourteen Points (but not in the Treaty of Versailles)
  12. 17. term for a system in which a group of nations acts together to preserve peace (such as the League of Nations)
  13. 18. nickname for the Austro-Hungarian Empire which acknowledged its volatility due to the large number of nationalities living under one government
  14. 26. On the Eastern Front, ___ suffered huge losses due to its lack of industrialization and the ineptitude of Czar Nicholas II.
  15. 27. term for one-sided advertising which appeals to people’s emotions in to shape public opinion
  16. 29. Russia withdrew from the war in 1917 due to takeover by Bolsheviks (communists) led by ___.
  17. 30. term for a German submarine
  18. 34. term for an agreement to stop fighting