World War II

  1. 6. Japanese Canadians were forced to leave the coast having families separated and isolated to where?
  2. 10. Britain, France, and the Commonwealth.
  3. 13. Alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  4. 14. At the end of WWII both America and the USSR became this.
  5. 16. What became a controversy for Mackenzie King in WWII despite his initial promises?
  6. 17. The granting of concessions in order to maintain peace.
  7. 18. The trial run on August 19, 1942, that was a terrible failure, but became a crucial learning experience.
  8. 19. Espionage using a cadaver.
  9. 21. The policy of when Canadians are willing to do whatever it took to defeat enemy.
  10. 23. What was a popular nickname for working women in WWII?
  11. 24. What did the allies discover the closer they invaded to Germany on the ground?
  12. 25. What did Winston Churchill call “the soft underbelly of Europe”?
  13. 26. The biggest Allied invasion of the war on June 6, 1944 was called what?
  1. 1. Small Canadian warships, escorts for convoys across the ocean.
  2. 2. Canadian military strike in Operation Overlord.
  3. 3. Governments that are opposed to democracy, are extremely nationalistic, and rely on military and police power to maintain absolute control.
  4. 4. What Prime Minister King meant by “too many dollars were chasing too few goods?
  5. 5. German submarines patrolling the Atlantic.
  6. 7. A training plan which British instructors would pilots & other flights personnel from all over the Commonwealth in Canada.
  7. 8. Hitler’s military operation that attempted to defeat Britain.
  8. 9. One of the Japanese cities where the Atomic Bomb was used by the Americans.
  9. 11. Operation Overlord was a full-scale invasion of what?
  10. 12. Allied troops stationed along France’s border with Germany waiting for 7 months for war to start.
  11. 15. Antibiotic used to treat infections.
  12. 20. Bomber named after the pilot's mother that carried the Atomic Bomb.
  13. 22. Belief that one’s country should keep separated from the politics and disputes from other countries.